Why Work With Us?

At Fit for Purpose, we often find that the businesses we work with may be at different stages along their journey towards becoming a purposeful or more sustainable business.

Here are some of the most typical client scenarios where Fit for Purpose has an offering that can help:

Sustainability Starters

Small-medium sized companies or subsidiaries of global businesses

You may be a small to medium-sized company or perhaps the subsidiary of a global business. Perhaps you don’t have the resources in house to dedicate a team or individual to sustainability? Or maybe you haven’t yet found the right impetus internally to start your sustainability journey in earnest.

You may have relied on global resources from Head Office to lead on these issues until now, and without realising it, you could have fallen out of step with local market reporting requirements or best practice approaches.

Or you may recently have become aware of the commercial imperative to start thinking about how to address these your most material social, environmental or governance issues in a more structured way.

That impetus if often building internal pressure from employees; a need to respond to increasingly stringent requirements on ESG for Customer RFPs; changing customer expectations due a new market entrant; or perhaps a market opportunity has arisen to develop a more socially or environmentally conscious product offering?

What we can offer
  • Sustainability Check-up: A full audit of your current sustainability policies, procedures and operations to help you understand where you are compared with competitors and key regulation, and global best practice
  • Policy Map: Creation of new policies, procedures and compliance guidance or updating of existing documentation to bring up to date with current regulatory and industry best practice
  • Virtual Sustainability Team: Set up, steering and reporting frameworks of cross-company virtual sustainability team to identify key priorities for the business and create a timeline and action plan
  • Internal & External Engagement: Employee, Customer and Stakeholder surveys to establish expectations around social and environmental issues and identify potential champions
  • Find Your Purpose: Co-development of 1-3 leading themes where your business can have its greatest impact, and the creation of flagship programme to help focus efforts on positive impact

Purpose-led Businesses

Businesses who have established themselves around a social or environmental purpose

We also love to work with businesses who have established themselves around a social or environmental purpose and are busy disrupting the status quo to make way for a more sustainable future.

You may be a B Corp or a social enterprise already, but haven’t yet addressed the full spectrum of responsibility and governance across your whole business.  Sometimes change-makers don’t have time to build wider networks, or to think beyond their areas of expertise or value proposition.  And very often, as a purpose-led business, you don’t shout loud enough about your success stories.

What we can offer
  • Partnership Agenda Map: The creation of a map of social and environmental impact leaders and the facilitation of ‘mutual benefit’ led Introductions
  • Clear Blue Sky: Insights about your market space, who is making noise on what, and how you can best position yourself to stand out from the crowd
  • Messaging workshop: Work with business leaders to further develop your corporate positioning in light of an ever-changing social and environmental leadership landscape
  • StorytellingStorm: Creation of authentic, engaging, powerful, people-focused content and storytelling that showcases your successes, exposes your journey towards improvement and allows your customers and partners to interact with you

Sustainability Sophisticats

Companies that are sophisticated in their approach to measuring, reporting on and delivering social and environmental impact

Many larger and especially global businesses are quite sophisticated in their approach to measuring, reporting on and delivering social and environmental impact.

You may have a skilled in-house team beavering away working on a range of sub-topics such as sustainable supply chain policies, carbon management, environmental compliance, diversity & inclusion policies, charity partnerships and internal engagement programmes.

You could already be developing circular business models, aligning with the SDGs and formulating Science-Based or Net Zero Targets.

But the internal leader of this work may be so engrossed in the detail, it can be hard to objectively assess your approach, revisit key focus areas, measure progress in context of a wider landscape, and bring in fresh ideas.

What we can offer
  • Devil’s Advocate Strategy Recharge: We run a Challenger Workshop with your sustainability team to stress test your current approach, bringing in a range of current and emerging examples of disruptive approaches in social and environmental impact business, a 360 competitor overview, and an outside-in analysis of your current strategy based on publicly available information. Following robust guided discussion we will work to co-create a list of up to 3 potential thematic routes that can provide an umbrella structure for your future strategy.
  •  Authenticity Audit: We conduct a series of interviews with your nominated business leaders and key employees to stress test how well your existing purpose strategy is understood, how consistently it it being articulated, and how well it matches up to your external rhetoric. An insights report outlining Top Ten findings and recommendations is then delivered.
  • Materiality Audit: We can design and deliver a full multi-stakeholder materiality audit following design of consistent questionnaire to ascertain views on material impacts from inside and outside the company. The resulting Priorities Map provides a guide for long range goals and target setting,  and strategic delivery plan.
  • SDG Mapping: Based on extensive knowledge and understanding not just of the 17 Global Goals but critically of the detailed sub-goals that sits beneath the SDGs, we conduct an audit to map your current purpose/sustainability strategy against measurable impacts on the Goals, and provide a full gap analysis including a view of where peers and competitors are already playing. The resulting strategy allows you to focus and report showing your business progress on SDGs in a more structured way.
  • Partnership Refresher: All purposeful businesses need to ensure they are plugged in to a credible set of cause-related expert partners to help deliver real world impact on their chosen social and environmental challenges. We offer a tailored service to match you with relevant partners, programmes and opportunities that deliver measurable social and environmental impacts. Where the right opportunities don’t yet exist we will help you create new platforms for you can own or collaborate on with a credible third party.