Our Services

Our Approach to Purpose At the core of our approach is alignment of purpose with your business strategy, core values and crucially, your unique business competencies. Successfully defining purpose is the result of an inside-out, rather than top-down process. And in our view, an organisation is only Fit for Purpose when its approach includes the following three core elements:

  • Authentic – fully in step with your core values, corporate culture and brand articulation
  • Aligned – consistent with past behaviour, stated goals and core competencies
  • Astuteclosely woven into your commercial and strategic growth model

Our projects are often prompted by a business change event such as M&A, rapid growth, an impending IPO, a change in competitive or customer environment, or a desire to enter new markets. But increasingly they are motivated by a need to keep up with the changing expectations from key stakeholders such as employees, customers and investors.

Our services fall into three broad categories:


Intelligent research, analysis and strategy


It’s often undervalued, but whether it’s an inspired ‘lightbulb moment’ that comes in a heartbeat, or a carefully curated framework that maps to your business culture and process, the thinking time that goes into defining your purpose is critical to the creation of any successful project. We try and make it as transparent, rapid and accessible as possible. No two projects are exactly the same, but a typical Think process which identifies the right strategy for your organisation may include the following steps:

  • Benchmark: Using external factors such peers and competitor analysis, UK & International reporting standards, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Science Based Targets as a benchmark, we create a 360 degree view of your business and external context to help you identify your key priorities, risks and opportunities
  • Listen: Through a series of stakeholder engagement exercise, usually using primary research across a cross-section of your key stakeholder groups, we gain critical insight into the views and expectations of your critical audiences, to help you prioritise your most material issues and identify opportunities and risks. This work often takes the form of a formal Materiality Audit, resulting in a Materiality Map with accompanying insights and recommendations.
  • Set targets: We will help define the right ambition levels for your business, mapped directly to the various aspects of your newly prioritised strategy. We then map both long-term strategic goals and shorter term milestone metrics so you can measure your progress towards becoming a more sustainable, purpose-led business along the way.
  • Co-create: Returning to your core business strategy, we work with you to align your purpose to key business goals, and then create the framework for delivery, including key workstreams to deliver against each of the goals and priority areas.
  • Articulate: A full articulation of your purpose strategy and delivery framework, and how it impacts on the environment, as well as your employees, communities, customers and value chain.


Walking the walk with impactful delivery programmes


  • Social and Environmental Impact Programmes: We work with your internal teams to design bespoke and connected social, environmental or workplace action programmes to help you reach your purpose goals. Programmes are designed to be measurable so that the positive social or environmental impact (rather than the outputs) can be measured.
  • Partnering for Purpose: Often our clients don’t have the contacts or resources to deliver the kind of outreach or cause-related outcomes that many societal purpose programmes require. Working in partnership with experts from not-for-profits, government and industry sector specialists will deliver both the results and crucially the credibility that a successful programmes requires.
  • Embedding Purpose and Sustainability: Your purpose only becomes real when it is being lived by your staff, and experienced by your customers and suppliers. We can help you to share, engage and mobilise your staff and broader ecosystem of partners to help you deliver on your purpose, through integrating their energy and ideas, and involving them in the journey
  • Social and Environmental Policy Creation: We can help you create these new policies such as environment, social impact charters, supply chain codes of conduct, codes of ethics and EMS policies and procedures.
  • B Corp Consultancy: As qualified B Leaders, we can offer support to organisations aiming to use the Business Impact Assessment either to certify as a B Corp or just to help provide a more robust structure for their business sustainability. For more on these services, click here.
  • Stakeholder Mapping & Stakeholder Relations: We identify the key influencers and stakeholders and create an issues map to help you understand how, when and what to communicate with them. We can also design an outreach programme to help you develop deeper and more effective working relationships with your community of stakeholders.


Creating a compelling narrative and an authentic voice


Both of Fit For Purpose’s Directors have both had a long career in Communications. This background infuses all our projects, so that no strategy or programme is created without consideration to the story it will tell and how your audiences will want to consume it. Services offered include:

  • Impact Reporting: Fit for Purpose has developed sustainability, CSR and Integrated Annual reports for many of companies and works with our GRI Reporting Specialist and Senior Copywriter and your in-house team to create inspiring and audience led reports that evidence your commitments and progress towards your key goals
  • Purposeful Storytelling: Our Director Matt Ravden specialises in the development and creation of strategic purpose narratives. The typical output is a written narrative that captures the essence of your source code. Who are you? What is your vision/mission/purpose? What’s your legacy? Why is what you are doing important and what impact will you have?
  • By encoding that DNA into a narrative, you have a reference point for all subsequent content and communications. You can infuse it into your website, your blogs, your investor decks, your corporate videos, your internal comms, your recruitment efforts … it becomes an essential tool, not just for your marketing team but for your entire business.
  • Audience map and messaging matrix: Our purpose and values can only have meaning if they resonate with all your audiences. We will help you find your unique and authentic voice, create guidance and craft materials that provide that consistently throughout all your communications
  • Creative content through storytelling: Visual images and video-based storytelling helps to cut through the often complex and sombre content covered in your purpose strategy. Using the authentic voice and values-led visual design we also work closely with your in-house team to create online destinations to house all your purpose and sustainability content
  • Stakeholder Communications: Tailored communications programmes and materials for all your other audiences including government, NGOs, academics, sustainability professionals, industry bodies, shareholders and local communities